Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Was lying in bed last night unable to fall asleep, when I suddenly remembered a dear friend and sister-in-Christ, who's kinda slipped away from the Lord. It brought alot of sorrow to my heart and tears to my eyes, remembering the times we were able to pray and worship God together, those days when we'd walk to church and prayer meets together, serve in church, have long heart-to-heart sofa-chats, attend harp-and-bowl, etc. Now those seem to be a mere memory, a shadow the yesteryears...and everytime we get in touch (if we do get in touch), she'd kinda avoid the topic, and if I mention it, she'd sorta be very vague and quickly change the subject. I don't know what to do about that indeed. *Big sigh* I've not heard from her for ages indeed. Definitely miss her very much, and I'm praying and hoping that she would return to Him.


I had lovely meet-up with Nellie yesterday afternoon. We sat in Sakae Sushi from 12-3.30pm -eating sushi (her treat!) and talking at the top of our voices (or rather I felt...I don't know if it is my imagination or what, but we were kinda noisier compared to the rest of the patrons..). About everything. Her work in Edinburgh, my work at church, her CG, my CG, church, girlie stuff, make-up, etc, etc. 

Texted tailo later. And he sounded really sad for some reason. Like he really missed being able to spend time with his friends and family. Actually, it's not only him. Another brother, YH, texted me the other day, to relate to me the stuff he's lost touch with after housemanship began. I yearned to comfort them *Smile turns upside down* but there's only so much SMS-es can do. It makes me sad too, that I can't fully relate with them - because I did not go through what they are going through. My journey as their comrade had to stop at graduation - coz I was called to take the Road Less Taken. But, I only can pray that they would find their hope and joy and strength in the Lord. 

So guys, do appreciate your general hospital doctors more - you have no idea how much they've gone through just to be there. All the sacrifices. All the hard work. Yeah, I mean, all doctors have to go through that - but in the later years, you have the option to stay in government service or enter the private sector. I take off my hat to those who opt for the 1st option! It does mean a lower pay than the private doctors - but these GH doctors are the most passionate doctors in the world! 

After having gone through all my rotations in the Penang GH (back in my PMC-days), I cannot understand why people would rather go to private hospitals claiming that private hospital specialists are better qualified, etc. I'd understand if they admitted that they didn't mind (and can afford) paying extra for more comfort and privacy. But, to say that GH gives crappier services and consultations than other places - this seems like an unfair over-generalization, doesn't it?

Ok, I digressed. Anyway... 

...after all that, I ran some errands (as usual), sat down for my weekly coffee-with-the-Lord, walked around Queensbay, had a yummy home-cooked dinner with Ben's family and we all sat down to watch 5 more episodes of the HK drama, 'Rosy Business'. It got us perching at the edges of our seats in mixed feelings of anticipation, frustration (at the bad people), being highly entertained (at the antics of the good people) and in an almost tormenting suspense. Or, at least I thought so! We don't usually go on Cantonese drama marathons like that unless the parents claim that it is a good one. The last one I participated in was Moonlight Resonance....but that was months and months ago. Today, we are all going out for Bak Kut Teh dinner in town after Ben's done with work and watching another movie at Cathay - thanks to Ben's mum's friend, Aunty SK - who got us 4 free tickets to watch 'I Corrupt All Cops'. @_@ Hehe. With all that movie-watching, I'm also spending alot of my free-time reading and doing some research. So, it's time well-spent after all. Currently, I'm re-reading 'The Purpose Driven Church' by Rick Warren. It's a really good book. I remember reading this book 9 months ago, and feeling very motivated. I would highly recommend it - especially to CG Leaders and those involved in the ministry. 

Today, I'm thinking of going swimming too... since ehem, I have been not exercising for more than a week.



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