Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fractured feminity...

"See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done..." (2 Cor 7:11)

Arrived at this Word this morning. I thought it was really timely and relevant, because for the past few days, I've been studying about the world's feminism movement that has profoundly altered our culture's concept of what it means to be woman. How such a movement has also unconsciously influenced the women in our churches. How alarming! It's a challenge indeed to be different and to live as biblically savvy women in this age and generation - where to be submissive to one's husband is an ancient concept scorned by many as a form of weakness; housewives are thought to be dependant and unsuccessful; beauty is determined by fashion sense and sex appeal; where it is considered acceptable for a woman to propose to a man in marriage and where more and more mothers leave their children (and husbands) at home to valiantly climb ladders in their careers.

I will never forget the day a woman friend slapped me (literally!) hard for saying that when I'm married, I plan to be primarily a home-maker. To bring up my kids (would home-school them if I could) like my mum did with us, do the housework, cook the meals and minister to my husband! I'd like to be a support to my husband from the home - prayers, admin, see to his needs etc. Yeah, I would still serve God in church, go on ministry trips, teach/preach, mentor, do home-groups, write etc. But, I too feel the call and burden to put my family first, after the Lord... before ministry. Ministry begins in the home. Who am I to teach younger women to look after their families and minister to their husbands, when I don't do those things myself? Who am I to want to raise a generation of God-fearing men and women of God, and impact the youth when I don't even see to my own children?

Painful incident that one, but I was more shocked than anything that she could be so shocked at my statement! I guess some of you are shocked too, but well - it can't be helped. This is my personal conviction.

We really can't define a 'successful' Christian by the world's standards of success. We can't say that a home-maker pales in comparison to a woman in a professional field, in such an aspect. More important a question is: has one walked in a manner worthy of her calling - pleasing God, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of Him?

What does biblical womanhood mean?

I'm on a quest to find out and enlighten my women friends...


tairvlyn said...

grace, i so totally agree & support you. ministry begins at home!
it is something i hope and pray to be able to do, to become a full-time mom, to bring up my kids in the way that God wants me too... praying tht God will make a way.. :)

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Amen, amen!!!


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