Thursday, April 16, 2009

Where do you draw the line?

Today wasn't the most cheerful of days, but the Lord was good. I opened up my Bible to read at lunch-time, after praying a while and alot of lamentations unto a pair of faithful ears on the other end of the phone. Part of today's reading really spoke to me. I'm still in the Book of Romans, btw.

Romans 12:11-12 - "Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

How difficult it is sometimes. Zeal and spiritual fervor to serve God in trying times. No wonder Paul continued - be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer. Having joy and hope lifts us up to trust God. Being patient in affliction helps us wait on Him in full reliance - indeed He is mighty to save! Praying faithfully and knowing He listens (I mean, if we didn't think He listened, we wouldn't be praying faithfully, would we?) gives us the peace that transcends all understanding which guards our hearts and minds in Him.

God, help me to hope, wait and pray.

Wee Lyn, Pig, Lydia, Laura and Zoey... women of faith. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. I heartily appreciate it.

And Pig... golly-schMOOlly....I love all your ideas!!!!

Where do you draw the line - in between being pro-active in a faith that acts and being desperately hasty in doubt?

When do you move from a faith that waits and stays... to a faith that acts and moves?

Lord God, grant me discernment... Say go and I will go. Tell me to wait and I will wait.

Something I thought about today...

Sometimes it is not fair to judge someone.

Just because the drowning man decided to climb onto the first boat that came along, it doesn't mean that he lacks faith. He is just being practical rather than being over-spiritual and missing what could have been the hand of God.

Just because someone does not walk through the first door that opens unto him...(or even the 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th, for that matter) it doesn't mean that he is a doubtful or impractical man.

Anyway, having said all that, I'd like to remember a very special person today in my blog entry...

My beloved dad...Haha... sorry la Pa if you think the pictures goofy or corny:P I think they're cute.

Today, someone mentioned him and I could not help openly tearing away. I think Pa is a very special man. And when I think of how he, being a single parent (my mum's passed away when I was in form 5), worked so hard so that I could go through med school... and how supportive he has been of me going into full-time ministry even after all that (although he found it a little difficult at first - understandably), I feel both very proud of him and wretched that I have not been as good a daughter as I feel I should.

So today, I decided to put this up on my blog (with many tears), to let him know that he's my hero and I love him very much.

Pa. You know, if you ever read this, I want you to know that: every tear you've cried being so alone in things; every time you've come back home exhausted from labouring hard so that I wouldn't go hungry in Dublin; every night you've lain in bed wondering what tomorrow brings when the times were so tough... perhaps I haven't been there for you. But Pa, thank you for having been always there for me.

I love you, Pa.

God, bless my dad abundantly for what He has faithfully given to You through investing in my life.


Pig said...

Dearest Uncle Moo,

Thank you so much for bringing my dearest sister Grace up so wonderfully. She has been a blessing to me in every ways :) And you've always been her biggest support in all things. I join her in giving you big big THANKS!! :D

Grace's Piggy Friend

monsterkeon said...

very meaningful! touching and inspiring as always!

Robin Chan said...

Very touching post indeed! I'm sure your dad would be proud of you! :) Continue to be joyful, patient and faithful all the way till the end! :)

Stay blessed,

Lydia said...

I teared as i read it and i feel it, grace :) Beautiful story and i am very sure your dad is proud of you.

Like what pig said, thank you uncle moo for bringing grace into this world! She's such a joy and a great blessing :)

mozozozo said...

:) I think your dad is wonderful too...the awesomemest dad ever!! (I'm biased too) and I know beyond all things, he's glad to know that you're gaining an experience from this that you wouldn't gain from the other path...I'm always proud of you for your strength, and determination...I'm very proud to have you as a big sister to look up to. Will support you no matter what. Huggs!!!

Grace-Melody Moo said...

what la, Zoey...he's ur pa too mar:P What "I think your dad is wonderful too..."


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