Saturday, April 18, 2009


Super warm day. Not doing my eczema too good. :( Yesterday, I had it on my neck... then today, I've got rash on my arms too. Think what primed it was stress + hot weather... then I ate prawns... 

Ok, I don't get bad reactions from eating prawns all the time. I'm just mildly allergic to it, compared to other types of shellfish. It's only when my eczema gets 'primed', then I add on the mild allergen... then the rash is triggered. Hope the anti-histamine worked. And the cream too. Trying not to scratch. And I cut my nails too.

Sent in my resignation letter yesterday.. with one month's notice. 15th May will be my last working day as Care-ministries Coordinator at Trinity. I felt a little sad handing it in - but I was mostly joyful, hehe. Not that I hated my job, but it is a great relief to know that I'll be taking a 3 week-long break before I start studies at MBTS.  

Pig and Mr. Postman can then stop harping on the CARE min or K-meen-see (pronounce it in Cantonese and see:P) thingy already.



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