Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, 23/4/2009

Today, I feel happy. Despite my late night yesterday (Couldn't sleep thanks to William Joseph's 'Kashmir' playing and replaying itself in my head till the wee hours of the morning - I don't know why I still bothered to listen to it today on my Windows Media Player, after all that! I even sustained a slight headache forcing my eyes to stay shut!), I'm still happy. Happy, happy, happy.

Maybe it's the joyful kind of happy. It's definitely not the kind of happy you get when things are going great! My troubles are still as messy as ever. My problems have not all gone away. But my heart's all light and I do see a silver lining in my awan kumulonimbus. Some people must have been praying for me recently. Thank you so very much!:) I appreciate it.

I mean, I must admit - it's weird. I've never felt so um...efficient and energetic in a long while. Busy getting tasks done, doing a little researching here and there, studying and running errands. Why, even hand-washing my clothes too!:P Wondering what's with all that motivation and energy...

God, thank You for peace.

Today, talking to Lydia reminded me of God's unfailing, unconditional love for us. How patient and merciful He is with our iniquities. How faithfully He reveals Himself when we cry, "Lord, open the eyes of our hearts!" How sweet He makes His presence - when we sit alone, talk to Him and repent of the hardness of our hearts. Such is the kindness of the Lord. The very kindness that leads us to repentance.

Sobered up at the thought of how terribly short I fall of His glory. How scarlet my sins! But He is able to make us whiter than the snow. Wonderful, glorious Savior!

Alot of excitement in the air - Stella Maris this weekend, KL the next (for Shirley's wedding), Worship team retreat... and maybe more coming up soon.


Pig said...

Take pics of Stella Maris..I tak pernah pergi :D

monsterkeon said...

i stayed at stella maris for our Worship Committee Retreat last year!! i miss that place!

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Are u serious?!??:D COol!!! I stayed there once during another function...


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