Thursday, April 23, 2009

Some inspiration...

Today, I came across a young woman's blog,, which really encouraged me.

She was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa not too long ago (last year), and her blog records her meals and her journey towards recovery. Myself, having battled that as well as bulimia for many years before I finally came to be healed (praise God!), I was touched beyond words to read her blog entries indeed. It brings me to remember how deathly my circumstances, how tormented my soul, and how mightily God has delivered me from my illnesses.

Nattie, be strong!:) I pray that you would discover God and His unfailing love like you've never before, in this journey ahead. Also, I'm hoping that more young women who're currently battling eating disorders would stumble upon your blog as I did, and be encouraged. I'm truly blessed. Keep it up!

With much love, Grace.



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