Monday, April 20, 2009


My weekend was kinda refreshing, even though I was way, way, way tired.

CG (Tairven's and Ben's) had a combined gathering on Saturday evening to celebrate Rachel's turning two!:) It was really fun. We had lots of food, fellowship and a birthday cake for Rachel. The candles were in the shapes of alphabets spelling out 'Happy Birthday'. She looked so excited!:) It was so adorable to see the little girl plucking out her birthday candles afterward, and naming the alphabets one by one. "H!" "A!" Etc, etc... Hehe. The other kids present - Timothy, baby Joel, and baby Matthias had our hearts warmed by their cute antics too. 

I had a good time catching up with alot of people whom I haven't seen in a while, since our mother CG (Tairven's) multiplied. 

Sunday - we had to get the grass cut big-time at Mini Taman Negara, just so that the snakes wouldn't make their home in the bushes - so we were there for quite a while on Sunday morning/afternoon supervising Mr. A, the grass-cutter. (That was the only time and day he could make it - somemore, he arrived so late!) It was really HOT and the mosquitoes were swarming since it was their first hello after quite some time. So it wasn't really a pleasant experience! Ben and I arrived at the evening service very, very droopy, itchy (that's for me), and exhausted. I had eczema over the weekend, so it got me really cranky and sad too :P

Ben's bro, James - called us after the evening service at church - to tell us that his car had broken down! Thus, we spent a few hours on the road, pushing the car to the side of the road, surveying the damages and waiting for the tow-truck to come tow the car to the workshop. Ben and I left the scene after a while, coz we had to get some stuff at Tesco's. How glad we were to get back to Ben's place for a good home-cooked dinner! 

I slept as soon as my head touched my pillow last night. Phew!!! So exhausted. 

TGIM! Thank God it's Monday!!!!! :) I'm having tea with Ji later today!!!! Can't wait to see her after sooooo long!!!



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