Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday

To Pig... thanks for the raspberry cookies/shortbread!:) ~ I think they are Swedish, since they came from Ikea? Lurve them. Melts in the mouth.

To those who have been so super-duper encouraging - you know who you are - thanks! Too exhausted to be personal today. But I appreciate your love, concern and prayers. I've got amazing friends and family indeed.

To Ben, thanks for your loving e-card.

It is comforting to remember that what I'm going through today, Jesus had already walked through it far ahead. Garden of Gethsamane. The sorrow in His heart to the point of death. What is my grief compared to His, who came to bear the sins of the world upon a cross? To even taste a little of the suffering He went through - fills me with horror and consternation. And yet, God in His great love, grace and justice sent His Son - to take us beyond the veil and chasm of eternal separation from Him which our sins have cost us. To take upon Himself the sentence of death we were doomed for. We didn't deserve it. But He came.

This is a stanza of a beautiful hymn Han sent me yesterday (he didn't even know why he texted me also):

"Upon that cross of Jesus,
mine eyes at times can see
The very form of One,
Who suffered there for me;
and from my smitten heart with tears,
two wonders I confess:
The wonders of His glorious love,
and my own worthlessness."



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