Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Weekend pictures...

Church on Sunday...and my 3-services shift.Below: The Sanctuary... sorry senget... (can't remember which service was this!)
We had to go to mini Taman Negara in the evening, after the 5pm service had ended... and thus began someone's gardening/care-taking duties...Thank God for rain...that some flowers are starting to bloom again in that place... Really pretty flowers too. However of course, as a result of the rain, the mosquitoes were lurking everywhere... and they strangely decided to attack my knees, for curious reasons. And I was itching in that odd place after treading around the garden.


At night, we went to eat Indian Food at the newly opened Kapitan opposite Queensbay Mall! The Nasi Briyani was fabulous, I tell you! And so was the tandoori chicken. Those in Penang who stay close enough...please, do, do... go and try out the tandoori and rice:P I badly craved somemore after we were done.

Monday: Off-day...
I had things to do in the morning...then in the afternoon, I had to go and get my burn-out sizzled down on my own.
Then we had a final choir rehearsal last night - Wesley and Trinity Methodist Church Penang, combined.My goodness. It lasted till nearly midnight! All for tonight's concert. I felt most sorry for Mrs. Chan, our guest trainer. She looked so wiped out at the end, correcting all our flaws...It was a most interesting effort, combining with another church's choir. And I did enjoy learning from Mrs C, despite my voice nearly kaputing at the end...and all the post-practice headaches.

After the practice... I had to go refill my petrol tank... (It was way, way empty! - I panicked all the way to the petrol station). And look what I found? A huge locust! As large as my thumb... hmm, perhaps a little larger... (and I think I have a huge thumb, ok!)

Back to work...today....


mozozozo said...

how come the two churches' choir has a combined practice? hehe...jie js now i was so blur..in the comment box i typed the 'word verification' word... sigh 2nd day working, i'm blur dy :P

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Cool! Cool! Hope u are enjoying ur work, sis!:)


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