Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A big sigh of relief...

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Today, praise God... Affidavit's finalized, signed under the Oath of Commissioner, and sent to wherever the destination's supposed to be. I hope I don't have to have anymore to do with it. Threw it into the Pos Expres letter box at the post-office today, and walked out feeling like a whole load has been lifted off my shoulders.

Easter's four weeks away! Mrs. C's concert was just over today - which means we get to learn a whole new repertoire of songs tomorrow. That's so fun!:) We had a post-concert celebration at Raffe's (thanks Daniel for the treat). Hehe. So much for my resolution to fight the flab. But I guess it was really worth it.

Stress levels have gone down a bit. Now for those reports...and I've gotta work on my budgetting for June onwards.

It has been a good few days of being refreshed in the Lord... Being in the choir ministry and preparing for the concert together with the rest, through His Word and His servants through whose actions and words I was reminded to serve Him joyfully, and some humbling moments. Learning what it means to serve God all over again... Feel alot of zeal and passion coming back. Sometimes it is surprising what little it takes to discourage - and how quick the Enemy is to rob us of our peace and joy in the Lord. But ultimately, God is not mocked. It is even more breath-taking when He uses what the Enemy meant for evil to milk out every marrow of blessing the circumstance can bring; to make all things work together for good - exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine. How faithful the Lord is to remind us, when we are all distracted and disheartened, to keep our eyes on Him alone. To truly live for Him.

I'd like to serve God with more zeal in my heart. Lord, help me.

Last but not least, to my family I dearly miss...thank you for teaching me what it means to love.



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