Sunday, March 29, 2009

A random Weekend...

Watched 'International' on Friday night at Perangin Mall. It was a good movie.

Ben, his mum and I randomly and spontaneously went gallivanting to Balik Pulau on Saturday afternoon just to eat laksa... And can you imagine? That was right after lunch! We were going to eat Pasembur too...but I was really too full... We went shopping at Sunshine Square Mall after the trip...

Ben and his mum...

Basically Saturday was a day of eats... ate and ate and ate... (Thankfully, I at least went to the gym in the morning... )

My 'Ban Jang' kuih (apom balik) - the combination of nuts and corn inside...

We had a combined CG meeting (Tairven's and Ben's care groups) at the GYM on Saturday evening... in darkness (save the candle-light) just to support Earth Hour. Thank God it was raining, so it wasn't hot despite the fans having been turned off. There was a lot of junkfood, btw - I was munching and munching even after everybody had stopped:P - I'm not sure why I'm so peckish... PMS maybe.

Now that Saturday's over, I feel really fat!
Feeling so hot, languid and lethargic somehow... but sermon was good. Felt so encouraged to live my life to the fullest.


mozozozo said...

hehe...the cell groups honored earth hour?? how was Earth Hour in Penang?? :)

Grace-Melody Moo said...

:P i dunnoo...mei.. I was at cg, so i didnt know how the rest of penang looked like!!:) Hehehe


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