Thursday, May 5, 2011

9 more days... having a new ring on my finger - a symbol of our holy covenant before God.

Was a little depressed last night over our delayed honeymoon plans (even though it's only for a few days) due to Ben's work requirements. So I gave in to a little mindless nom-noming in front of the telly. The potato chips were too salty and gave me a sore throat. I promise not to do it again. >__<|| Also not to buy that brand a second time.

But well... my assignments are getting on. It is growing more and more difficult to churn out long, detailed sentences when there are so many things on my mind. I only can rely on God's grace.

Today's a new day. I had a thought on my mind whilst sitting in class.

Our environment - social and physical - shapes our motivation. For example, if you always hang out with a group of lazy bums, you'd become a lazy bum yourself... devoid of the motivation to work and make good use of your life. I am not saying that we should turn our backs on the lazy-bums. We just need to make more friends who are not lazy-bums. Another example - if you always stay away from the mall and other money-spending places, you'd be less motivated to shop and spend money. Haha. The cravings may come once in a while - but you'd have pretty good control over them...and they'd eventually disappear. I know... coz everytime I visit rural places and spend days there, I'd be more motivated to save my money and not spend 'em unnecessarily on my wants.

I think there can be never too much time to spend with the people who yearn to serve God and those who are full of vibrant faith.


Lydia said...

I totally agree thats why I am mixing with you lorr!! LOL!!: P


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