Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Women Pastors?

Still working hard on my "Person of the Pastor" paper.

One thing awesome about this assignment - I am so much more acquainted with the life of your regular pastor now... and I appreciate my pastors more than ever. I mean, there are so much risks to bear as a pastor - in worst cases, they could end up losing their loved ones and losing themselves - and yet they made the sacrifice because they love and want to obey Him. This paper has also encouraged me to be more diligent in the matters of my ministry and service in God's Kingdom. To be more understanding to my pastor and support him more, regardless...

After this paper however, my previous conviction still stands - I don't think I am pastor-material. (When I say pastor here, I mean the pastor leading a church). Yeah, I do love shepherding people, discipling, mentoring, etc. Pastoral work is fine with me. But I don't think I'd be ever good in leading a church - especially that I am a woman. I am not against women pastors, of course. I have many lady friends who are pastors of churches - and I love and admire them for obeying God's calling upon their lives despite all the controversies that surround women pastors. However, I prefer to be a little more traditional and conservative. I feel that God has made most women different... to be leaders in areas they are gifted at, and yet supporters to the main male pastor of their churches. Also to be spiritual mothers that nurture, comfort and tend to the "scraped knees" of the fallen. When you are married, your husband won't have to feel like you are his spiritual leader even in the home (and be complacent). Subsequently, when you have children, it is difficult to mother them when you have a whole church waiting for you to meet their every need too... you'd have to choose in between one - and usually, a pastor will need to choose the congregation. Fathers can look after the children - but mothers, their special roles are irreplaceable.

Anyway, you don't have to agree with me. This is only my opinion ... coz I am getting married in 2 weeks and 4 days. Haha.

PMS officially ended today. Good timing too, praise the LORD... coz it means that the cravings have had their grand finale over the weekend... and I have 2 weeks to whip my body into shape. (Actually there's not much to be done, except to tone up on some flabby areas... and gosh, hopefully NO more weird weight plunges... coz I cannot afford to have wrinkly skin, stretch marks and ehem... non-impressive womanly assets on my wedding day! :P)



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