Saturday, April 16, 2011

Weight issues

My dear fellow blogger/friend, Sophia, wrote an awesome article on weight gain in recovery from ED which I thoroughly recommend.

For those who are new to my blog, I am a recovered eating disorders sufferer (why does that sound like a mouthful?) who used to struggled with anorexia nervosa, bulimia and compulsive eating throughout my teenage years and early twenties.

While I look normal, think normal (most of the time) and behave normal now, I admit that I still need to actively guard myself from a weakness... i.e. the tendency to feel anxious about my weight. I don't dislike myself. In fact, I like the way I look and I think myself beautiful. I also love eating healthily as well as indulging in my occasional treats, fast food and junk food. I eat Mcd's once a week. I pride myself on my faithfulness to exercise moderately 3-4 times a week (coz it was difficult to start, haha!) And honestly, I don't think anyone would care if I put on a few pounds. Those who love me would still love me. My fiance would still think I am hot (oh yeah!) - he doesn't like me skinny btw. I know it is not worth it to obsess over my weight. I have got so much in life to look forward to.


... I still feel anxious about my weight once in a while. And I don't even know why I should feel that way. What is it exactly that I fear?

I think it's losing control that I fear. And perhaps I have unconsciously made my weight the indicator of how "in control" I am of my own life when it should have been fully surrendered to God. So it's actually not about the weight now, is it?


kevrlee said...

I'm guessing its a habit unconsciously developed in your mind over the years of being an ED person..

Anonymous said...

It's the same challenge to others who are oppressed in other forms of slavery and addictions. Know the freedom in Christ, the victory and to know who you really are. You are the most beautiful daughter of the King Most High! Confess until you believe it, meditate until you own it, do all you can but know that God loves you and have created you to be the unique and beautiful person that you are, nothing more and nothing less. Be yourself and be confident of who you are. God does not compare you, so you also do not need to compare yourself with others :) You are amazing just the way you are!

Love in Christ


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