Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Ben, Sau Chan, Suan Hui and I had dinner at Isshin (Autocity) on Saturday... Also it was a mini birthday celebration for Suan Hui. Here is the handsome brother. :D

Then of course, my darling little sister, Zoey, was up in Penang for the weekend to try on her brides-maid dress and also to chill with me for 3 nights, 4 days... before starting work this Friday. (Yes, God blessed her with the job she wanted!) I am so glad that she seemed so at home in my little flat... and that she had the opportunity to indulge in my library of books.

I've been eating ALOT for the past few days she was here. Elaborate Western breakfast at Batu Feringghi, laksa in Balik Pulau...then Ben's family belanja-ed us a huge dinner at Song River... etc. Feeling a little tubby already. @_@' What's more I have to look for a wedding dress this Friday.

Just sent Zoey off. Miss her presence in my house already... *sniff*



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