Friday, March 25, 2011


In the past week, I have been taking this self-concocted chocolate-protein-shake for breakfast.

I realized recently that I do not consume enough protein for my health and immune levels - so I bought this mix of soy protein and whey powder from Cosway. By itself, when stirred into water at room-temperature (you are not supposed to add hot water, or the proteins will denature. --> Remember chemistry/biology back in school? :P) a very icky, chalky drink is produced. Some paste. Yucks. Never, never again. In desperation, I tried blending the protein powder into hot chocolate instead. Guess what? It worked! Since the chocolate protein shake is SO yummy and nutritious, I have not gotten tired of it yet. I usually supplement it with a Centrum multivitamin tablet afterward. The shake is a very good meal in itself, because it has enough calories, carbs and nutrition to last me till mid-morning at least. It fills me up so well! Then I'd have my mid-morning snack at school if hungry. Other than breakfast, I don't think I'd have the shake as a meal replacement though. I would much prefer solid food! :D

The shake can be drunk as a healthy snack or pre-/post-workout as well. It has been a wonderful alternative to my usual snacks, which have gotten boring. (First, I had to check what my daily protein requirement is, based on age, gender and etc. - just in case I exceeded the quota!) I sometimes use soybean milk powder or fruits in replacement of the chocolate. Some people get constipated with too much protein. If you are one of those people, you will have to make sure that you increase your intake of fiber as well. Oh, and drink more water.

I feel that somehow the protein helped my hormone levels tremendously. Weird, I didn't have much PMS this time round - and no period cramps!



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