Monday, March 14, 2011


My missing engagement ring (I blogged about it last week) was found. By Ben. LOL. (To date, he has actually presented me the ring twice! :P) It fell into a bag lying around on the floor, by accident. Ben discovered it and placed it somewhere I could easily find (and yet, my eyes must have scanned that spot umpteen times!) I was so relieved that I cried.

I am now done with both my interpretation projects for Book of Joshua - since Friday. What a relief! I am learning the power of writing short and uncomplicated sentences! :P Writing in English is that interesting. There is always room for improvement...and so I never get bored. (With English I mean. I did not say that I never get bored doing assignments!!!) Hoping that this week will see me productive with my Christian Ethics and Conflict Dynamics assignments...I'm feeling really lazy now, since I almost pureed my brain last week. Definitely looking forward to all the meet-ups I've scheduled with my precious friends this week!

And then, I will begin the 2nd half of my last term on-campus. (After May 14th, I'll be finishing the rest of my course "long-distance". The reason for that is - I am not sure where I am going to be yet.

Oh, also, I have been having a weird ear-condition that afforded me quite a bit of scare for the past 4 days. Apparently it was precipitated by the flight (from Taiwan back to Malaysia) a weekend ago. The pressure did not equalize in my ears...and therefore, resulted in hearing problems, discomfort, echoes and weird humming sounds. I consulted the ENT specialist today - and it was no big deal. (The medical fee was a big deal though - but my dear kindly covered my expenses.) The good news - my hearing is still perfect and no, I won't need hearing aids anytime soon...LOL. So don't worry. Thanks for prayers, the few of you who knew about it.

Peace out, peeps.



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