Saturday, February 19, 2011

A rave/rant...

Today... I have come to a conclusion about the dark circles around my eyes.

I've had 'em since I was a kid. My mum used to see the dark circles as an indication whether I've had enough zzz or not. Imagine her chagrin when they never disappeared regardless of how much sleep I had. Today, the dark circles continue to haunt and vex me.

I think, on top of the common causes (lifestyle-related etiology, pathogenesis and all), I am just too fair. Recently, my sister pointed out that the skin on my forehead is turning transparent... :P You can even see tiny dark splotches near my hair-line when the tiny capillaries burst in my skin. Now, the skin around our eyes are already thin and delicate enough. My skin is very fair and transparent. So the dark circles would show up even more dramatically, wouldn't they?

This is just my hypothesis of course. It is not scientifically proven or EBM. So please don't quote me on it! :P



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