Monday, February 21, 2011


Gosh, where did my weekend go?

Yups... let's see.

I spent half a day sitting in Ben's cube, doing my Christian Ethics assignments (was so extremely productive - I think it must be because of the quiet and cool environment, plus the coffee machine was so near Ben's cube! LOL)... and then we had CG that evening. Was encouraged by Suan Hui's sharing on Psalm 86. I was so reminded to trust God and rely on His faithfulness, despite my circumstances. Our YACG members had wantan mee supper @ Terengganu Road after CG was over.

Went for the 5pm service, because I had other commitments in the afternoon. After church, Ben and I went over to the bridal shop to check-out our photos taken in Photoshoot #1. Surprisingly, the photos were already very nice without any touch-up!:) I like it that we have 2 photoshoots - so that we can look at the photos taken in the first shoot and decide on what kind of poses, smiles and styles we like, discuss with the photographer and prepare for the 2nd photoshoot... which is next week. Golly-schmolly. So this has to be my 'primping' week! I can't really think of what I should adjust of myself. Masks and exercise maybe.



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