Monday, January 24, 2011


Vocal cords have not been too well lately. Ever since I was down with the December flu. So hard to warm-up in the mornings and when I sing, I can't hold my notes. Although I am supposed to have recovered from the flu, I still cough in the morning due to post-nasal drip, have rhinitis and produce alot of sputum. (Pardon the gross details)...

Thankfully, last week's worship leading @ MBTS went OK. And after the past Sunday's stint, it's one more week of doing vocal back-up in Service 2... then I can rest my cords for a while. Hopefully they will get well soon.

Watched Inception yesterday - and I had no idea what was going on most of the time. LOL. Ben said that it is a very brilliant movie. As for me... I think that my mind is either too simple of tired to comprehend the concept.

Had Domino's Pizza with Ben last night to wrap up my eating weekend.



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