Monday, December 27, 2010

Almost there...

I finished my 2nd last Theology assignment today. Spent the whole day typing and typing on my bed, and trying to expound Romans 8 - even though Ben was on leave from work today and I badly wanted to go out with him to shop for a new work-chair for James.

But.... This means... I only have my final paper to write for this year! I do hope I get to complete it in the next 2-3 days (although the deadline is technically 31st Dec) because I badly want to get some wedding prep done by this week as well. Invites, flowers, etc. Been putting them off since I got stuck with the assignments. >.<' Aihhh.... And oh yeah, horrors... I suddenly remember that I have neither been exercising properly nor eating the right stuff since the beginning of this month. As a result my PMS has been extra-long...and I am still waiting for it to end.



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