Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Assignments again.

(Why are the weekends so short? I barely caught up with my sleep debt...)

I am in dire need of good coffee - instead of the usual Tesco Value 3-in-1.

Currently in the last section of my Eating Disorders paper (child, church and mission)... While it has been a good paper to write (I enjoyed the research, despite the sleep deprivation), I definitely hope to FINISH it up by tomorrow...and get on with my 'Children and Spirituality' and Church History assignments. On top of many other assignments...


Joy! Thank God and thanks Lydia for a love-gift today. It is through blessings like these God reminds me of His will ~ that I continue to faithfully run the race till I reach the finishing line.

Other updates: Wedding prep is still on-going. Ben and I are prayerfully 'researching' on bridal shops - for the rental of a wedding dress, bridal photos and some other wedding-day needs - so that we get the best value for our money, while being good stewards of God's provisions. Also, we met up with our church's wedding coordinator, Ruth, on Sunday... for some advice on the logistics.

7 months to go before I become a Mrs. Somebody and I am starting to get the jitters thinking about that day. :P LOL! *chews on fingernail*

My dear's birthday is coming up. This is the time of the year when I start to contemplate what I can do for him. Any ideas?



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