Saturday, October 23, 2010

I wanna... nobody, nobody but You...

Corny. Even as I typed out the blog title, I could feel my mouth twisting into a grimace... :P - Just watched the Wonder Girls' MTV of this song. Thought they were cute... but it's so not me.

I want more of Jesus.

Had a magical afternoon somehow... The Lord opened the door for me to share with somebody who needed to hear the gospel. A total stranger... at the most random moment... but it was awesome, not because I was awesome :P - I fumbled and stuttered at times... and I spoke icky, hair-raising, broken Mandarin that made my listener smile politely (and shudder)...but GOD is so AWESOME! :D When I was about to tell her about the cross, she told me in Mandarin, "I can see that you are having a difficult time... Speak in English please..." Ha-ha. At least she was still very interested for me to go on...

It definitely encouraged me... and strengthened my faith. There are always seemingly-innocent distractions when God's Word is to be shared... I don't know why - everytime I share the gospel with somebody, that somebody, whoever it is, would receive a phone-call in the middle of my sharing! There is always spiritual warfare. But thank God, He is sovereign. The Word did get across to her, more powerfully than I could ever ask or imagine! Praise God!

Having said that, I need to better my atrocious Mandarin.

Gonna go to sleep now...and wake up in time for my breakfast date with Ben and then worship practice in church.



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