Saturday, July 17, 2010


I've left the sunny island of Penang...for my hometown...
...and now I am preparing to fly off to the land of poles and polar bears... Haha! Kidding :D
Poland, here I come!
Pic above this one: humongous papa bag (better now...I can fit all my stuff in, thanks to the upgrade in size of luggage!) and Zoey's old classical guitar...
This pic
: teeny-weeny baby (cabin) bag...
...and the weighing check on my luggage weight.

And me....just before I turn transparent in Poland... (as Kevin puts it) - Here goes my hard-earned, Penang island tan... and tan-lines... if you can see any sign of it, that is... :P - I doubt that this picture speaks the truth and nothing but the truth...

Thanks for the prayers, provisions, well wishes and love, dear friends!

Truly, God has been faithful to provide everything abundantly for His work. When I first signed up for this mission trip, everyone (including myself) wondered where I'd find my funds on top of saving up for my studies every month... I actually thought I was crazy after a while. But somehow, the provisions trickled in. Through love-gifts (thank you all who so joyfully and graciously contributed), angpow money this year, my dad's blessings, my future parents-in-law's blessings, savings, church 's blessings and many miscellaneous resources. Of course, nothing can be compared to the many prayers I've received - the best gifts of all. To my family, covenant sisters, prayer partners, CG members, church-mates, friends, cousins, partners in ministry, seminary mates, blog-mates, mentors, Aunty May Ling, etc. Thank you.

I am truly humbled and thankful for this opportunity to go, be equipped and to reach out to a nation yet foreign to me.

To my Heavenly Father... thank You for Your love, Your grace and Your purposes for my life. Just as I am, use me... and make all things work together for good. In Jesus' name, amen.


sophia said...

This trip is DEFINITELY a gift and blessing from God, Grace! I think He wanted to make sure you knew that yourself! I can't wait to hear all about must be so excited! :D

Ace said...

Take care Meng Huey. :) Be safe.


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