Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Just up from a nap...

Did quiet-time before I popped in between the sheets... my eyes were starting to get really watery and their lids heavy like lead. I even spilled some coffee powder over myself while making myself a cuppa. That was the last straw. No coffee could have kept me up much longer.

I am so proud of myself - that I did not sleep for 2 hours or something :P - I woke up after 45 minutes... I can't say that I have detached myself completely from sleep yet...I am still really groggy. *Yawwwnnnnnn...* *Rawrrrrrr* @_@

According to Freud's id, ego and super-ego theory (although I don't fully agree with his theory of moral reasoning), I am pretty sure that my 'id' is hopping mad that I did not lie down a little longer.

What I will need to do later: my reflection paper for Dr. Rosalind...and continuation of my pastoral counseling homework.

Now, hopefully I've got a smile to serve... coz I am going to pray... if you will excuzie mua...



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