Monday, May 31, 2010


My final 3 days in the Land of the MerLion. *Rawwrrrrrrr* And then, I will be home.

This is indeed one of the most blessed, best trips I've made, ever. (Of course, the best is yet to come - when I make that final trip Home - up where I belong!) Although there has been no fuss and frills, the simplicity has been beautiful. I didn't have to stay in 5-star hotels or eat gourmet fare to be happy. The humble abodes that have opened up to me while I was here were filled with love and laughter, affirmation, inspiration...peace and ultimately, Jesus. The expenses were also well covered, by God's grace. I am thankful for all God's provisions, God's hand in matters I couldn't handle on my own, God's sweet and dear presence whenever I feel alone... and God Himself, in Whom my friendships hold together. Or rather, has held together - even through the many years behind us.

Guess what? The trip has been so wonderful, that I am even ready to go home... Satisfied and completely refreshed. It is a week of cherished memories indeed. Looking forward to see a beloved-one before he flies off to the States... and I won't see him again for a whole month-and-a-half.


sophia said...

Wish I could send you back myself...Safe and peaceful trip back home, my dear Grace.

I am SO thankful to God that He allowed you this trip...even though you never anticipated it! What a graceful and blessed trip...I hope you are all refreshed, inspired, and motivated for yet another year of hard work (haha), stress, but ultimately, enjoying the Lord in the midst of all these. :-)

Grace-Melody Moo said...

truly...thanks, for making my trip special, Sophia!:)


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