Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Back to school. Handed up my Augustine research paper. Phew. I am finally done with most of the assignments from the 1st half of the term.

Had my TJTA score review with Mrs. L (one of the students' counselor at MBTS) today. Basically, all students have to take this test (Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis) upon entering the seminary. It serves as a fairly accurate measure of one's temperament with regards to his/her traits - eg. nervous vs composed, depressive vs light-hearted, active-social vs quiet, expressive-responsive vs inhibited, etc... It also helps one to serve better in one's ministry, having understood himself/herself alot better. Mrs. L would score our tests and invite us (on appointment basis) to her office for a one-on-one session, whereby our scores would be explained in detail and associations between the temperaments/personality traits with how we tend to deal with certain situations or people would be pointed out.

Eye-opening. I really liked the way Mrs. L mapped out my profile so that I could see the 'big picture' of how I fell into eating disorders and what influences my emotional patterns even presently. Extremes and all.

Now, to do Dr. Lawson's assignments. Countdown to freedom: 32 more days.



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