Saturday, April 3, 2010

Joy, joy, joy

Good Friday in school. This was the cross outside chapel, on which some of us had nailed stuff - personal reflections on Good Friday and Easter Day.

Someone's family got baptized on Saturday...Praise the Lord!!
Photographers of the day. This was at Stella Maris beach.
Those who were to be baptized... (Ben's dad, mum and bro (James) starting 2nd from the left) - they looked excited.
James in the white tshirt.
The people who had come to witness the baptism.
Pst. Hwa Jen and Pst. Lee (English and Hokkien congregation pastors from Wesley Methodist Church) reading Scripture and giving a short message before the baptism... Then they prayed.
Ben's dad walking rather victoriously out of the sea after his turn :) Yaaay! (Sorry, the pics are small...for larger images, click on the individual pics.)
Ben's mum getting baptized - bravely. She was rather afraid of the whole immersion thingy (I don't know where she got the idea that 'cacing' would come up from the grounds and nibble at her toes. She was also rather wary of the huge waves) - but I'm so glad that she decided to go for it by faith. So proud of her!:D
James getting baptized...(Here's where I nearly cried coz if not for God's hand upon this family, he wouldn't have wanted to get baptized this year.)
The people who got baptized and their families...The Wongs are up front - James, Uncle and Aunty Wong. Thanks to family and friends who have been praying for them.
Thank You, God, for this beautiful day :)


Pig said...

Yey!! PTL!! So happy for the Wongs and others who got baptized :)


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