Monday, March 1, 2010

Phew...We're alive!!!:P

A trying weekend for me... and Ben - I believe it was a form of spiritual attack.

Prior to the Sunday I was supposed to give a talk to the youths in church YF on 'Eating Disorders and Self-image', these things happened over the 2nd half of last week:

1. I hurt my neck - so bad that I couldn't mendongak kepala, nod or rotate my neck for days... Ah, glad that the excruciating pain finally has subsided! :S

2. Ben lost his wallet on Friday - in Prangin Mall, and that was after we got caught in a religious demonstration in town + massive jam leading to the mall @_@. I guess the massive jam made us both pretty bewildered - that we forgot to be careful like we usually do. It was pretty troublesome... Police report, cancellation of cards, etc... and today we spent the whole day getting his new I/c, driving license, bank cards etc made... Thank God, they are 75% done.

3. My PC crashed on Saturday morning. Praise God, I had already printed out my talk notes on Friday! @_@ ACER service center finally opened today after shutting down over the weekend. My files and system were mysteriously 'corrupted' so that my lappie couldn't start up. My hard-drive was wiped empty! :( Not like I did anything extraordinary with my laptop before shutting it down on Friday. With so many assignments due so very soon, Ben had to transport his PC to my house, so that I can do my work over the next few days of laptop-less-ness...

4. It didn't help that I was depressed about something totally unrelated to the above throughout the whole weekend. I can't even share it here.

5. I was a meanie to my boyfriend :S (I'm so sorry, dear... :( Even though you have forgiven me, I still awfully bad about it.) I don't know how to make up for being a meanie.

The talk went ok. I didn't think I'd make it :P But praise God, the youths, Unc. Geam Liang and Aunty Valerie were so encouraging:)

Thank God, we're still alive, albeit exhausted!

I'm so reluctant to go to school tomorrow... :( *Boo hooooo*


sophia said...

Yay, I'm glad you're alive....definitely sounds like it's been a trying times...but thank God for the lovely fellowship, yeah?

Chin up, girl! Looks like God isn't making everything all easy for you, because he knows you'll get stronger in peserverance and endurance by working for it! :-)


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