Sunday, February 14, 2010


*Picture courtesy of Brother Chik Bu. Taken during a mentoring group session @ MBTS*

"Dear God,

never let me lose my awe and wonder of You. Let the joy of Your salvation, be always fresh upon my heart. And make this heart beat in my bosom with the love worth giving because You first loved me.

I refuse to take for granted even the simplest, smallest blessings, so that I would be able to recall them long after I have received them. I refuse to allow my attitude of thankfulness and gratitude to be choked by cynicism or skepticism. For we have this promise: In Christ, all things are possible! Lord, may I see each difficulty and trial through eyes of faith - so that I would be convinced that an opportunity to witness Your saving grace is at hand. Poor, pressured, accused, envied or despised - I know that the battle is Yours, Lord... and therefore, give me the single eye, wisdom and gentleness, a patient spirit, unwavering purpose, unshaken faith, Christlike love and faithfulness for the effective discharge of all my duties."

Today, I want to thank God for my blog...



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