Friday, February 19, 2010


Met up with a dear younger sis-in-Christ, Ee Ling - for brunch... but it dragged on till about 3pm.

We were so busy talking that we didn't realize the hours slipping past. Was a little reluctant when we had to finally leave the place and say goodbye.

I must really say that I enjoyed our short session together - and as always, am so encouraged by our friendship. We'll never know when our paths may diverge and nobody can really tell what tomorrow will be like - but while we are still not far apart, every blessing of time we get to spend with one another ought to be cherished and savoured. Love should be demonstrated in both actions and words. Burdens shared more faithfully... And fervent prayers offered up to God on behalf of each other.

(To all my friends out there, reading this - yes, I treasure YOU!)

Spring-cleaned my house for a fresh new week ahead. I ought to be reading Viertel's but I feel so darn lazy and unmotivated to open up that book now. (So so sorry, Dr. Sunny.) Perhaps, I should be working on my youthtalk power-point instead. Next week, I cannot be lazy anymore. Datelines are coming up, and I should be working harder.

Have got alot of uncertainties on my mind today. *Sigh* Can I run away?

Need time with God.



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