Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year Eve

Woke up early for brekkie with daddy this morning at Joseph's Kitchen in Bangsar. Food in my opinion was a.ok because I am a little tired of eggs (since yesterday's huge omelette @_@) and they had eggs in all their breakfast dishes (the strawberry jam was delish though!) but the Lavanza coffee was SUPERB. Gosh. I could have done with another cup of the fragrant brew... but oh well, I didn't. It was good to have some time with dad - coz he's always so busy that I hardly get golden opportunities like that :P Of course, I am guilty too - since I only go back to KL 2-3 times a year. Sigh.

After breakfast, I dropped by dad's office for a while to say hi to some of the staff - chatted to Shanti for a while... then I went off for a short walk in Mid-Valley Megamall and The Gardens while dad carried on with some work (didn't buy anything - just wanted to relive some old memories by revisiting some shops I have not visited in a long, long while - including the good ol' pet shop on the top floor)... went for lunch with dad... and then came home for a short rest.

Reunion dinner at tai gu ma's house. Very re nao. I felt so blessed sitting down for dinner with my relatives who accept me the way I am - for my vocation (even though it didn't exactly go the way everyone had expected) and my Christian beliefs even though everyone else was not Christian :) We had steam-boat. I had a little white wine for once (first time since year 2005/2006 - when we celebrated Maeve's birthday in Dublin) just for the occasion.

I have not been there for 2 years already. How my nieces and nephews have grown. Ke Nee was so cute - at first she was so shy coz she hadn't seen me for such a long time... After a while, she decided that she'd give me a chance to 'redeem' myself :P - so I had a very good time playing with her after all! She loved bouncing up and down on my 'see saw legs' so that was what I ended up doing half the time - bouncing her up and down by extending and flexing my knees. Love her so much... *AwwwwW*

Pui Yee jie jie (my cousin) couldn't recognize me after not seeing me for 5 long years (and I suspect it was 6 years) - and when they 'introduced' me to her, she was in shock. "How come you changed so much?!?" she exclaimed. "You used to look like your mum - but now that you are much thinner, you look like your dad..."

Ok... Thinner, yeah naturally. Actually, I've been growing fatter since I came back last Christmas :P You know la...some people have been lazy to exercise that much. But looking like my dad?!? @_@ Sure boh?

Actually Shanti mentioned this morning that I look like my dad too. I wonder how that happened. Because I never used to look like my dad. Not even the tiniest bit.

I miss Zoey (my lil' sister so much). I feel pretty lonely back home without her and Ben around. *Cries*



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