Friday, February 12, 2010

back in Subang...

Back home. I miss Ben so much.

Ok, I hope this doesn't sound too corny. But since we are not going to spend Valentines' Day together this year thanks to Chinese New Year, I am happy that we have matching T-shirts to wear on Valentines' Day even though we are 4 hours distance from one another. Hehe...

Actually I didn't think of it that way at first - but we went to Sunshine Square yesterday, and he suggested buying the matching T-shirts... Then since we are both going to wear it on the first day of CNY, and it's Valentines' Day...

......*happy sigh* ...You can stop rolling your eyes now...

He was so nice to take half-day off from work to accompany me those few hours prior to my departure from Penang. We had lunch near the Penang Snake Temple...then wound up in Queensbay. For a treat, we also had pancakes at Paddington House of Pancakes. What yummy dessert!

He sent me a text while I was on the bus headed for KL. It went like this:

'Two of my fishes died running into the pump (for aquarium) and were grinded to death. Funeral is tomorrow @ 2pm...' :(

Ok... that was really sad. Now, James and Peter are gone... we only have John and Paul left.


Daniel Khoo put this on his tweet with regards to the fishy funeral: 'oh, do we need visual & sound tech, organist and liturgist? :)' ROTFLMAO!!!


weelyn said...

awww.... nmind la, can still celebrate when you're back in Penang. everyday is Valentine's Day :-)
i'm sure Ben misses you very much too...well, as the saying goes "absence makes the heart grow fonder.."..

so sorry to hear abt James & Peter

sophia said...

matching shirts? Hee hee, aiyah, so sickening sweet! Hee.

Pig said...

ROTFLMAO!!! Big bird!!! that's beyond words!! :P

Geewhiz..I missed the funeral.. :(


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