Monday, December 14, 2009

Another weekend over...

A very busy weekend for sure...visits, Ai Hua's housewarming/house-blessing party, etc, etc.

But, we made a little time to do something out-of-ordinary...

Went to Balik Pulau to eat laksa and Hokkien mee...
This was not at the Balik Pulau market, but rather somewhere in Air Putih.
I am bad at directions...
All I know is that we turned here and turned there...
Please ask Ben if you are interested.
Really good laksa, I felt...
Pictures say it all...
Hot weather + spicy food --> and someone was sweating bullets
and savouring every drop of cold drink...

Went on an impromptu short hike Air Terjun Titi Kerawang - at Balik Pulau
Enjoyed the scents of nature...
On the narrow bridge... looking down into the swirling waters below...
Beautiful sight of water cascading over the uneven rocks...And another...
Crossing the pool on narrow stones and planks...
to a steeper patch of rocks, which we would have to climb
if we wanted to reach the higher pools...Ben: Shall we?
Me: Ummm....No thanks...
Well, as expected, he clambered over the rocks (what's new?) to explore the world up there
while I stayed down where it was safer
- what with unstable ankles and wet shoes,
I knew better than to imitate the mountain goats...
Ah, he came back! *So relieved*
Face is burning... @_@ *sweats* - cannot peel open eyes too...
*Bridge over troubled waters...*
Another angle of the breath-taking waterfall...
Ah, some shade provided by the dusty stalls at the roadside...
(yes, and my hyperextended knees are bad. LOL)
Cute pineapples growing...
Very hot weather...So thirsty...
that we ended up driving to our usual fruit farm for
cool, refreshing glasses of juice.
*Cheers* ~ Fruit-punch and Watermelon juice high five!!
Fruit-punch made of starfruit, watermelon, guava...and um, honeydew?
(I can't remember the last fruit - as usual) ~
I have a good mind to get myself a fruit blender one day...
just to churn out my own smoothies and fruit punches..
He daydreams too...
*Grin* - Gonna need a hair-cut soon...

Need to sit down to regather my thoughts. Today's another busy day. Gotta clean my house, prepare to teach later, teach, pray, do some work and hopefully continue planning my KL trip :P It was kinda tergendala this weekend.

Oh...and I watched Ninja Assassin (is that how it is spelt?) - and I liked it very much!


mozozozo said...

:) I love reading ur accounts of ur excursions =P n Ben really likes climbing up rocks...hehe

Grace-Melody Moo said...

unfortunately so :P hehe...


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