Sunday, October 18, 2009



Finally, finished writing the Triune God sermon. It probably sounds awkward now, but I will let it sit for a while... Will iron things out and put finishing touches to it nearer to the dateline. *grins*

I've still got tons of work to do - but praise God, that at least, I'm done with a few. The most urgent stuff (assignments and especially the non-assignments) for next week are at least done. Tomorrow, I am resting from all work. LOL.

Slept at 4.30am last night (this morning, actually) typing out the sermon. Couldn't put it down, even though I knew that it was getting pretty late. Guess, it's a habit. I don't like stopping work in the middle and taking it up again later... because I find that this interrupts my 'flow'. I prefer to 'attack' one assignment at a time - and buat sampai habis... unless it is a much longer assignment... like the church-planting plan I had to pass up in August. That was kinda crazy!

I am glad I did not wake up looking like a zombie today. (Sorry if I sound vain.. :P) Well, the pallor and eye-bags are there, as usual. Nevertheless, I did not look like I was sleep-walking.

Aunty Valerie, however, reprimanded me at church (and smacked my arm) for sleeping late and pounced on my not taking my vitamins. @_@' - Didn't mean to let that slip... but she ter-asked...and I ter-answered....

Today's probably the first day in a long while since I went to church alone, since many others are at the church leaders' planning retreat at Paradise Sandy Bay - over the weekend.

Nevertheless, it was still really good to worship God together with the rest of the congregation.


Pig said...

here..u look very much like zoey! prolly becos u lost weight! :D

mozozozo said...

haha!! I'm not used 2 see you with tied hair, look pretty =)so nice of Aunty Valerie to care 2 ask you if you'd taken your vitamins :P

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Pig: I look like Zoey meh???:P

Zoey: If Pig says I look like you and u say I am pretty, you must be jumping for joy la!:D

mozozozo said...

aaah :) very good point ;) wahaha


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