Monday, October 26, 2009

Out of all that confusion...

... one more assignment down! ~ The first draft of my 12-page reflection paper for Discipleship In Youth Ministry (YM 347) *does a little jig round the dining table* ~ Thank You, God! Will let the whole thingy sit for a while and review it again nearer to the date-line.

It's a blessing that I will now have more time to prepare for my final exam for Ketubim on the 30th. *Phew* Breathe-in, breathe-out, breathe-in, breathe-out...

My house is in a shameful mess. It looks like a tornado-hit zone. @_@ (Ok, I exaggerated - it's just the dining area where I've been glued upon my chair the whole day that looks like a tornado-hit zone, what with all the books, papers and lap-sap lying around) But ah, I will find all the time in the world to spring-clean soon... (Hehe, that's in 3 weeks time... but no harm comforting myself now, right?:P)

Today, I realized that doing work with joy in my heart is much easier than doing work in a gloomy, self-pitying state. Hehe (Yeah, you'd wonder why I took so long to figure this out).



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