Thursday, September 24, 2009


Back from church prayer meeting not too long ago.

The night air is cold and wet. The roti-man's buns downstairs looked so enticing. Thought they would make a good match with hot cocoa. Having said that, I did not buy them. I've got biscuits in the fridge. Someone's got to appreciate 'em biscuits for their beauty and yum! :)

Today, my heart is glad.

I am thankful for every opportunity to love and encourage. I guess one can always find some joy in bearing others' burdens. The joy of seeing smiles on faces again. Ultimately, two pairs of eyes fix upon God, instead of one. And God... has His own way of making things work together somehow.


My arm. I did not drop food onto the table today. However, it is still sore and tender on the radial side of the arm. I can lift a spoonful of food with my right hand, but not a cup of water - or I will drop it... because I still can't flex my metacarpal joints against resistance. Finger-control is not bad, me thinks. Supination, pronation, dorsiflexion and plantarflexion at the wrist still hurt. Um, I am still thinking of muscle tears, nerve injury, hairline cracks in the bone (I am not saying that I have any of this) and the prospect of a medical bill... Crepitus...

. Haha.

I am not STILL done with assignments. I'd better get going already.



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