Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The past few days...

I've been very blessed, despite the downs...
A day never goes by with me being thankful for something God's done in my life or in the lives of others around me...
There were tears... and laughter.
Sighs and yet, contented beams...
And...of course... to the amazing friend, partner-in-ministry, helper, leader and loved one who helped me find the joy of the Lord... that made me strong... I've gotta say, thank you.


Anyway, I must share something pretty amazing. (Heeeh, at least to me, it IS pretty amazing!)

I was asking God more than a month ago, regarding the best way to steward my money, especially now that I am on sort of a faith mission. Too tired to elaborate at the moment how I came to embark on it. But it works like this:

My monthly allowance is drawn out from a main pool, made up of love-gifts contributed by random people, the hearts of whom the Lord has impressed upon to give toward my education at the seminary. I am currently not under any sponsorship although my church did offer it, because this was not God's plan for me somehow. The past few months have been a little tough, not really because the money ran out totally (of course it was slowly running out!) - but because I was afraid and almost guilty to use too much money per month. Well, at the end of August, I was finally convicted that I haven't been setting aside enough money for my allowance each month - *sheepish grin* and therefore I prayed. The answer kinda shocked me - because I knew that it would mean that the resources would run out sooner than I wanted them to!:D Hehe. But, as I always do, I asked for a confirmation, whereby by the end of September, I would have enough to last me all the way to January next year.

On Sunday (27th September), I surprisingly received a love-gift from my church - and guess what? Yesterday, I checked - and now I have provisions to last me till January 2010.

God is good.


kevrlee said...

what a BLESSING!!! :)


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