Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Being contented with the little things...

Staying still in God. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Asleep in His will.

I always believe there's always a reason for things to happen the way they do... because God is a God of purpose!

Last evening, Ben received 2 free movie-tickets from his colleague out of the blue! And he invited me out for a movie after work. We were to watch 'The Taking of Pelham, 123'. I was of course as pleasantly surprised as he was. What a blessing!

We went to Queensbay Mall's GSC after having dinner at Ben's place (his mum doted on us with a home-cooked meal :D). Since we didn't have anything to do for that short hour before the movie started, we walked around the mall window-shopping (no worries, Pig. I didn't enter F21) and licking cones from the ice-cream parlour on LG floor.

I bought MossyGuard from the pharmacy (in anticipation of gigantic, blood-sucking winged creatures from the jungles of East Malaysia). Then since I had run out of cash-on-hand, I went to the ATM machine on that same floor to draw money.

This was when we bumped into Danesh near Jaya Jusco, which reminded me to keep him in prayer.

After that, Ben and I randomly decided to visit Borders, where they had one of songs he likes playing! Because of that, we wandered to the music section of Borders to look for the album. Right across from the music section was the children books section. Ben happened to look in that direction - and he spotted 2 dear friends we've not seen in a while. Subsequently, he was able to approach them in person (he's often wanted to do that, but didn't have much opportunities to do so), and encourage them. It was also good to have seen them after such a long while. Praise God!:)

Felt that God didn't only bless us... :) He arranged divine appointments (as coincidental as they seemed!) so that He could do His work in the lives of others too. Awesomeness!!!

Today, I felt troubled that I've got so many needs, and yet, so little resources. But a dear sister, Sau Chan, forwarded me a video today, which made me cry. Not only I was touched by the moving dance and the 2 imperfect people who danced it. But I felt that the Lord had heard my prayers just this morning, and had given His assurance and grace.

Indeed when we give the little things we have to the Lord, He takes them and works the most beautiful things out of them, according to His perfect will. I know He has already given me many things to be thankful and contented about... I at least have both arms and both legs, which enable me to do alot of things on my own. I can dance, jump, run, drive and work with my hands when many can't. I have seen many of these myself, back in those days when I roamed the Orthopaedic Wards of PGH. I've got to be contented.

God, thank You for everything. Most of all, thank You for Your unfailing love. I love You.

Here is the story to go with the video (hope it plays):

In a Chinese modern dance competition on TV one very unique couple won one of the top prizes. The lady, in her 30's, was a dancer who had trained since she was a little girl. Later in life, she lost her entire left arm in an accident and fell into a state of depression for a few years.

Someone then asked her to coach a Children's dancing group. From that point on, she realized that she could not forget dancing. She still loved to dance and wanted to dance again. So, she started to do some of her old routines, but, having lost her arm, she had also lost her balance.

It took a while before she could even make simple turns and spins without falling. Then she heard of a man in his 20s who had lost a leg in an accident. He had also fallen into the usual denial, depression and anger type of emotional roller coaster. But, she was determined to find him and persuade him to dance with her. He had never danced, and to dance with one leg....are you joking with me?? "No way!" he said.

But, she didn't give up, and he reluctantly agreed thinking, "I have nothing else to do anyway." She started to teach him dancing. The two broke up a few times because he had no concept of using muscle, how to control his body, and knew none of the basic things about dancing. When she became frustrated and lost patience with him, he would walk out. Eventually, they came back together and started training seriously.

They hired a choreographer to design routines for them. She would fly high (held by him) with both arms (a sleeve for an arm) flying in the air. He could bend horizontally supported by one leg with her leaning on him, etc.

In the competition, as you will see, they dance beautifully ~ and they legitimately won the competition.



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