Monday, August 31, 2009

Adapting to Penang again...

This week - I've got to begin on yet another batch of assignments... and reorganize my life...

Been a little sappy and melancholy for the past few days - I think it gets to me each time I have to adapt myself to new surroundings. I was extremely depressed when I first arrived in Sandakan on 20th of August *sobs*...but I slowly cheered up by the 2nd day. (Must be due to the good food, nice people and the peaceful environment - it's definitely so much laidback there, compared to in Penang.) Now that mission trip is over - I have to re-adapt myself to Penang. What with everybody speaking Hokkien everywhere (compared to Cantonese and Hakka in Sandakan), the pace is much faster, the drivers much more impatient, etc... it has been uberly challenging (plus I was sick), but today... I finally feel better and more like myself... *grins*

It's a little like jet-lag, except it has got nothing to do with time-zone differences!

I can see that I'm not very good at being a missionary... :P LOL. Bad at adapting to new surroundings, dislikes 'natural' toilets shared by creepy crawlies, hates mozzies with a passion, etc. The only more favourable things about me - I eat and drink almost anything coz I'm kinda tam chiak, I have a stomach of steel (almost) and I love people.

Oh well... I guess... if God calls, He will let the joy derived from doing His work make up for my discomfort!


kevrlee said...


Hope everything is doing well with you right now.. and also with your medical condition as well!


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