Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday night

Love Wednesday nights like these... Phantastisch!

1. Dinner with a loved one :)
2. MLM training at church - never fails to amaze me how timely are the teachings and how unfailingly God prepares our hearts for them.
3. Hot chocolate, night-cap and reflection before bed...

Going to school tomorrow. Mission team meeting.

Something to thank God for today ~ I used to own only 2 big towels, which was rather inconvenient. Never got to buying more, because I thought they were a waste of money :P (plus, I did not have a washing machine to wash so many at one go) even though I did need more towels... but today (as of this week), God has provided me with many more big and small towels, to use around the home, through the people who love me.

Can even bless people with these gifts ler... so to my friends, if you happen to want to pop by my home for a shower (when I'm home that is), you can be assured that I have towels for your use and convenience... :D Hehe. Not more than 2 at one go though, or you'll have to resort to using the small towels, which are nearly the size of hankies!


Pig said...

ok! I "jom" the blue towel :P LOLx

mozozozo said...

I want the fluffy pink/peach one!! ^^


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