Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The haze in Penang is extremely bad. My nose can even detect the smoky scent of it, while I'm sitting indoors.

I will be returning to serving in the church choir for the 'Kuantan Wesley' ministry trip, after alot of hesitations and uncertainties due to my MBTS schedule, as well as our MLM training. Will be missing practices on the Wednesdays we have MLM (like tomorrow night) - although Angeline (our choir director) said that it would be all right. So yeah, I will be in Kuantan in September!:)

Someone said something today, that got me thinking... God is great. Life is abundant. But it's sometimes what happens in between that makes us forget. Therefore, I would like to give praise and thanks to God today, regardless, especially for:

  1. Amazing friends, supportive family members and a forgiving boyfriend, who still loves and forgives me, even when I insensitively make him mad :S ~ Also those precious moments we can spend just having heart-to-heart talks.
  2. The opportunities the Lord has provided me to use what I have to serve Him
  3. A voice to sing and the ability to write to worship
  4. All provisions
  5. A car that takes me to places and the protection the Lord has covered me with on the roads, despite some near-accidents (almost fatal if they happened for real).
  6. Blessed, beautiful times of laughter - which brighten up any gloomy day.
  7. The ability to eat, enjoy my food and be truly grateful for it, which I still wasn't able to do a few years ago; the minute day-to-day improvements in my self-image even now, and being able to enjoy being who I am today.
I think I can kinda see where I am going to be after I am done with MBTS. But I'm keeping my mouth sealed for now - and praying that God has His way.



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