Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday writes...

Monday. A breather...

My favourite day of the week when there are no classes. I usually go out for lunches with friends and just regular, good ol' coffee dates with God. About the latter - it's usually during such precious hours I get to think, write, talk to God about important issues, reflect, etc. without being bothered or distracted by anything else. It's like bonus to my regular time with Him the rest of the week! Especially now that you get good coffee along with it... :P (But I assure you, that's not the biggest deal.)

Busy, busy week - hope I get some parts of my work done soon. August is already around the corner!


Anonymous said...

hee hee, that's funny how when most people hate mondays, you love them :-)
I love my ME time, too, with God!


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