Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday - first day at MBTS

One word for it - exhilarating.

Had lectures today. Although it was very tiring to have to gotten up so early in the morning... to drive to Batu Ferringhi, sit through so many hours in a day (It's been a whole year since I last did that), and we were piled with readings to do, assignments... and ta daah - the final exam's this Friday - it was really fun and refreshing. This term's work and courses are all on missions, evangelism, church-planting, etc - and we get to go on mission trips in August.

God, knowing how I find it so difficult sometimes to adapt to changes and new surroundings (I'm serious!), graciously gave me a very sweet seat-partner, Serena from Singapore Baptist Seminary (she's doing a one-month attachment here) - since we were both new to the seminary, we stuck to one another. From the classroom, to the admin blocks, to the chapel, to the canteen, to the library, etc, etc. I thought that it was funny that she thought that I was cool, calm and composed about everything... Actually it was probably because I found much comfort in her presence. Thank You, Lord for a friend! Later in the day, I got to know some of my other course-mates better. Met the students from Penang Wesley Methodist Church too!

Our lecturer this week is a Korean lady, Dr. Lee Kuem Ju - who used to be a missionary in Indonesia. Amazing woman. She can speak Bahasa Indonesia so fluently too!

So tired. I think I'm going to settle early tonight, and see if I can wake up a little earlier tomorrow to continue studying...


Pig said...

Cant wait to see pics of your school & friends :D Happy studying tomorrow! :D

Grace-Melody Moo said...

:P Hehehe.... I haven't finished studying...but I am gg to sleep:P

kevrlee said...


i cant wait for mine to start!


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