Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A little under the weather...

Feeling a little unwell today.

I'm hoping that I didn't catch somebody's flu! Also, getting <6 hours of sleep per day thanks to all that reading material is perhaps taking its toll.

There's a way, way painful ulcer in my mouth that disturbs me when I eat or smile, a sore throat (no tonsilitis please!) - and in the evening, after my short nap (I was zombified after class indeed), I felt a little chilly and feverish in my little apartment. Nose started running after an hour of revision.

Thank God, no MLM training at church tonight... I would have fainted all together. I'm serious. (Pardon the drama...) onto something more cheerful...

Classes were great today. Dr. Lee as usual kept us in stitches with her Korean jokes. We also watched a movie on a missionary's attempt to evangelize to the Moravians. Could hear people sniffling away in the class. Touched.

During mid-morning chapel, I realized that I was sitting in the midst of fiery-hearted missionaries and missionaries-to-be (it's the missions term in MBTS now - and we've got foreign missionaries with us this term, who are taking the same classes we are taking)... worshipping the Lord and praying together. Indeed this was something I could not have dreamed of in the past. Really treasure the opportunity to be here at MBTS. It's one faith-stretching place indeed. Here, everyone lives for a purpose - and this inspires me to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord too.

Anyway, since we're having a missions term, I remember a dear brother back in med school, Han, who used to always tell me stories of missionaries sacrificially giving their lives to pioneer missions movements, communicate the gospel cross-culturally to the unreached nations, with the hope of bringing more people to know God's love and forgiveness and establish self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating indigenous churches all across the world. Today, when I see the posters around my college, with the faces of those very missionaries, and their famous quotes, it gives me a sense of familiarity - and I think how Han encouraged me in every way to pursue the call of God. Now that we've gone separate ways, I believe God had made our paths cross for a divine reason. I don't believe I would have been this encouraged to pursue God's call upon my life, if it wasn't for him. It seemed that the Lord prepared me loads through him.

Anyway... I know this is random funny rule in our college is - we are not to feed the monkeys in the trees.

I had one 'Monkey story' to tell our dear sister Pig today... and her response to that was, "What are you referring to? The people in your college or real monkeys?" :P

I slapped my forehead and nearly pengsan-ed.

Think I'll have an early night today...


Anonymous said...

lol! Pig is indeed very funny.
Haha, I know what you mean about sitting with a group of fiery-hearted missionaries. It's a powerful feeling. It makes me amazed at how blessed I am, to be part of that group. But then, I have a kick-ass dad for a missionary too!
I hope you feel better, Grace!
Btw, is Dr. Lee a Korean?

Pig said...

I think it's because of the pic in the previous post :P Somehow I thought you were referring to "them" as the Monkeys :P

Hope ya feel better today..

Grace-Melody Moo said...

Yeah, Dr. Lee is Korean:) She might know ur dad!!!:P

kevrlee said...

mmm.. feed Pig instead :)


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