Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For Today...

Outside my window... dust, the view of hills, trees and houses...

I am thinking...that it's time I went to bed...

I am thankful for...a house of my own, in which I can romp about and not worry about disturbing anyone with my homework-messes; the calls Ben gives me everyday to check on what I'm up to if we don't see one another; my brothers and sisters in Christ; my family. Thankful for the past year, which has taught me many valuable lessons to live by.

From the kitchen... Jacobs' cream crackers, Iko Oat Biscuits, instant coffee, instant Tesco's Choice Hot Choc...Not a very interesting kitchen, I'm afraid.

I am wearing... pyjamas...

I am creating...more mess in my 'work-station'...

I am have to try to finish my homework by tomorrow (today?) afternoon... coz I've got MLM training in church in the evening. Almost there, almost there... I promise.

I am reading... 'Chasing the Dragon' by Jackie Pullinger... It's part of my homework... Well, of course the homework involves more than reading..

I am hoping... that I won't fall sick again... since the corners of my mouth are cracking, and I've got more than one ulcer in the mouth. *Annoyed*

I am hearing...the whir of the fan blades, dogs barking outside and the clickety-clackety-noises the keys on my laptop keyboard are making as I type away...

Around the portable grand piano, my books, my laptop, the rest of my furniture ...

One of my favorite the voice of a loved one at the other end of the phone...

A few plans for the rest of the week... Finish up my reflection papers, MLM tomorrow night, start on the rest of my assignments which I'm supposed to be handing up in July, pay up my electricity bill, type out my reports...

A picture to share...Hehe... Kev Lee, your yummy present, bro!:) Loved it! Ate it on the bus on my way back to Penang from KL!


kevrlee said...


hope u enjoyed eating it! :D


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