Friday, May 1, 2009

Back home...

Back to SJ. It's been a smooth trip, praise the Lord. I kinda slept on and off half of the way, then after having my snack (a pack of honey-roasted almonds), I had all the time to myself to think and reflect. And pray. Nothing to see outside the windows, except roads, vehicles and greenery. Typical Malaysian lebuhraya stuff. It was getting dark anyway.

Btw, Daniel, thanks for fetching me to the bus-station!:)

Had dinner with dad at New-town in PJ before getting home. It was great to have that father-daughter moment. Zoey was at cell group - so I only saw her at home much later. She found me a nice dress to wear from her stash! Hehe...

Today we had a pre-registration day at MBTS, whereby we were supposed to choose what subjects we want to do next term and earn our credits. I was pretty confused at first. Not used to the freedom - previously in under-grad, we didn't have a choice... Had to do whatever subjects they told you to do. But now, you can choose what you want to major in. Man, I'm glad I've given it some thought before today - but I still felt a little lost. Thankfully Pst. OKB, who's also going to be my mentor, helped me out. Saw some of my coursemates too...and I got a little scared. It feels like standard one all over again! Except, this time I don't have my parents with me :P That's the grown-up part.

We've got a mission trip in August, and I'm most likely headed for Sandakan, Sabah.

That's my day so far.

My thoughts at the moment... very overwhelming.


Gonna spend some time with the Lord, before bed. Hannah's story encourages me deeply - how she was so sad that she cried and prayed to the Lord... He heard her heart's cry and delivered her mightily from her sorrow. Indeed, true to her name ('Hannah' means 'grace'), the Lord's grace was upon her life. That is also strangely what part of Pastor Nigel Desmond's prophecy upon my life was 5 years ago. "Grace, true to your name, the Lord's grace is abundant upon your life..."

Tonight, I pray her prayer...

"Lord All-powerful. You see how sad I am. Remember me and don't forget me..." (1 Samuel 1:10-11)



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