Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Phew. Got my report done and handed up. Finished working on my seminary budget too. Don't know why the latter took me so long, but it finally got finalized. Praise God.

A little depressed, helpless, head-achey and wishing that I could just disappear. On the verge of tears too, somehow. Darn. I musn't cry in the church office.

Sorry for the drama, folks. I've just got the blues. And it's got to be for the silliest reasons. Maybe.

Anyway, that aside...

I was telling Pig on Gtalk (in one of those not-so-busy intervals I had today) that I just feel like an emotional potato chips binge :P (I have not done that in a long while) - when the door of the church office opened, one of our church members walked in, smiled, and laid a whole loaf of warm, yummy-smelling banana cake on my table... Now, what is that supposed to mean?

Choir practice tonight.



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