Thursday, March 19, 2009

Book review...

I'm currently reading a great book written by Susan Tang - entitled, 'A Monumental Work: Ministry to God'.This was just one of those books I couldn't really get into the first time I read it. (But that's the way all Susan Tang's books are for me - have to really let it sit for a while, chew and digest.) I read it one year ago, on a bus-trip back to KL. It is a much treasured gift from a very dear brother-in-Christ, BT, for my 24th birthday. (I keep forgetting I've already turned 25!)

Today, I decided to pick it off my book shelf and re-read the book. What a difference a year makes to my point of view! :P Found it an exeptionally good read today. I'm already halfway through the book already!

I like what she wrote about how ministry to people would be empty if we do not first learn to minister to God's own heart. And if it does not come through our willingness to 'break and pour' and the inner resources of a pure passion for Him that transcends all intellectual discernment and judgement.

I find it so inspiring to read her testimonies. It has truly challenged me to step out of my comfort zones and to work on deepening my relationship with the Lord... especially as I prepare myself to enter the seminary in June this year.

A must-read for those who are in a full-time Christian vocation, those who are considering FTM... and all others who yearn to serve the Lord with all their hearts.

What I liked about it: Bright yellow book cover, Easy-to-read fonts, the important points were bolded and underlined, everything was precise and easy to understand. Also, the relevance it bore to the Church of Malaysia.

What I disliked about it: nothing


Anonymous said...

I like the honest review: Bright Yellow book cover!

Sounds like a good book. I wonder if I'll be able to make sense out of it though..

Grace-Melody Moo said...

of course u will!!:D


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