Friday, January 16, 2009

The Word of God

I desire a heart not hard and cold,
or unfeeling as a stone
But it leaps with joy when Thy Word is told
and thirsts for Thee alone...
Illumine my every nook and cranny
Purge and cleanse me pure
May every ailment my heart has known
In Thy Word find a cure...
At times my heart is weary,
and my carnal nature takes delight
When sin crouches outside my door
let Thine Spirit's sword swiftly fight....
If I wander into the wilderness -
and my heart darkens and dulls
Pray, do not leave me, dear Lord!
Grant Thy lamp through my trial.
If anything apart from Thee I fear
Shivers and trembles my heart
Let Thy Word be gladly near
Be my shield and rampart...
How glorious is Thy Word!
the meditation of great kings
Whether I pray it, sing it, or hide it in my heart
Abundant comfort it brings...
All in all, I want to know Thy Word
Lord, help me understand.
As much time in it could I possibly afford
Give me yet more to spend...
In Jesus' name, AMEN.



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